IKEA Idasen

IKEA Idasen

Based on 20 reviews

The Looria Grade (A - F) accounts for multiple factors, including sentiment, helpfulness, and more. Learn about our sources and ranking.

Great value for the price
Sturdy and stable
Compatible with different tops
10-year warranty
Upgrade options for controller and Bluetooth module
Not suitable for heavy weight capacity
Low power motor
Some issues with stock controller and Bluetooth module


Overall, the reviews for the IKEA Idasen are positive, with many customers praising its stability and value for the price. Some customers have had issues with the stock controller and Bluetooth module, but there are options for upgrading. The desk is also noted for its compatibility with different tops and its 10-year warranty. However, some customers have concerns about the low weight capacity and motor power.




Mounting Type

Floor Mount

Assembly Required



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